a comment to a posting about irresponsible media undereporting atrocites comited by insurgents (source)
I can see why your discouraged. And I agree the heroins acts of violence perpetrated in Iraq are dramatically underreported.
If only we had representations of the the horrific acts of violence that are common place there, we could see how truly desperate and desolate life has become for portions of the Iraqi population. I wonder if we would begin to understand the origins of the complex pathology of destruction which has been seeded there.
Perhapses it was not the best idea to outsource all the contracts to non-Iraqis and push huge sectors of the population into unemployment. Perhapses it was not such a bright Idea to fire all the works at a cement factory and have them watch as imported cement barricades wall up their every movement. Perhapses we should have perused existing models for imperialism as opposed to implementing all of the neoliberal economic polices at once.
Perhapses our "Shock and Awe" has resulted in the desperate attempting their own "shock and aww" that is even more grotesque and violent. Perhapses that campaign was misnamed?
It a shame that the "terrorist" misunderstand the US government violence which was undertaken for greeter good and react with forms of violence that should make all people of good consciouses feel pain for their lost souls.
In the end this discourse is meaningless as we fit this into our symbolic order or our over-arching ideological view. This view let's us contextualize the acts of Iraqis into an empty context one in which terrorist are violent because they hate freedom. A context that pretends mistakes are irrelevant as long as we continuously restate our truly noble ends. One that values victory over human life, a view that aligns that victory with greater good regardless of the human cost associated with presuing that "greater good" and assumes by unmodist association that any greater good would have to include our participation .